Data Dictionary
STROL Report
The STROL Report, designed for users of the Sales Tax Returns Online (STROL) application, offers a comprehensive overview of various sales tax-related metrics. Key fields such as 'SourceGeocode' and 'Group-Item' aid in precise identification and categorization of transactions. Financial metrics including 'TotalRevenue,' 'NonTaxableRevenue,' 'TaxExemptRevenue,' and 'NetRevenue' provide a detailed breakdown of revenue sources. The 'PercentTaxable' field offers insights into the proportion of taxable revenue. Tax-related details such as 'TaxRate,' 'Tax,' 'TaxOnTax,' and 'TotalTax' provide a thorough understanding of the tax implications associated with transactions. Location-specific information like 'LocationCode' and 'ShipFromGeocode' facilitates a detailed analysis of transactions based on geographical details. The report includes identifiers such as 'TransactionID' and 'LineItemId' for tracking individual transactions and line items. Details like 'TransactionType' and 'TransactionCategory' offer insights into the nature and category of transactions. Specific geocodes such as 'OrderPlacementGeocode' and 'OrderApprovalGeocode' provide additional context to the order fulfillment process. The 'LiabilityType' field categorizes transactions based on their tax liability, and the 'TaxSitusRule' offers insights into the rule governing tax situs. With this detailed information, STROL customers can efficiently manage and analyze sales tax data, supporting their compliance efforts and decision-making processes within the STROL application.
File Type: csv
Download Sample Report: Sample STROL Report
Report Fields
The report has the following fields. Click on each field to obtain more information regarding its formatting and usage.
Display Name | Field Name | Field Type |
SourceGeocode | SourceGeocode | string |
Group-Item | Group-Item | string |
Total Revenue | TotalRevenue | string |
Non Taxable Revenue | NonTaxableRevenue | string |
Tax Exempt Revenue | TaxExemptRevenue | string |
Net Revenue | NetRevenue | string |
Percent Taxable | PercentTaxable | string |
Tax Rate | TaxRate | string |
Tax | Tax | string |
TaxOnTax | TaxOnTax | string |
Total Tax | TotalTax | string |
LocationCode | LocationCode | string |
Exempt Reason | ExemptReason | string |
TransactionType | TransactionType | string |
Units | Units | string |
TaxID | TaxID | string |
ShipFromGeocode | ShipFromGeocode | string |
OrderPlacementGeocode | OrderPlacementGeocode | string |
OrderApprovalGeocode | OrderApprovalGeocode | string |
TaxSitusRule | TaxSitusRule | TaxSitusRules |
TransactionID | TransactionID | string |
LineItemId | LineItemId | string |
LiabilityType | LiabilityType | string |
NonTaxableCode | NonTaxableCode | string |
TaxableOriginal | TaxableOriginal | string |
Transaction Category | TransactionCategory | string |